MOUNTAIN BIKING: Steptoe Creek Trail

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Steptoe Creek Trail<br />
Difficulty: More Difficult<br />
Length: 3 miles (out and back), 150' elevation gain<br />
Notes: The narrowness of the trail and the steeper side slope make this a bit <br />
more challenging, not a ton of climbing though. For a longer outing combine this <br />
with the Cave Creek Trail.


Getting There: From Ely head south on Hwy 50/93 for 7 miles. Take a left and <br /><br />follow the signs to Cave Lake State Park.<br /><br /><br /><br />Directions for Steptoe Creek Trail: As you are driving up State Route 486 to Cave <br /><br />Lake State Park you will see a numer of turnouts on your right. Park at the last <br /><br />one before you get to the paved road that goes up to the actual lake. You'll see a <br /><br />wood sign in front of you for the Steptoe Creek Trail. Follow the trail, parallelling <br /><br />the road you just came up. When you get to the end either turn around and go <br /><br />back on the trail or hop onto the paved road to get back to your car that way.<br /><br />